Mes importuojame produktus tiesiai iš gamintojų Italijoje, pirmenybę teikdami smulkiems ūkiams ir mažoms kompanijoms. Kruopščiai atrenkame tai kas geriausia kainos ir kokybės atžvilgiu.
Mokasirs SPA – Pavia – Lombardia region
1954 metais Cavalier Giovanni Migliorini pradėjo smulkų kavos skrudinimo verslą Pavia mieste, Šiaurės Italijoje. Jo pagrindinis tikslas buvo suteikti žmonėms galimybę megautis puikiausia kava restoranuose ir kavinės, kaip kad jie yra įpratę namie.
Saldainiai ir sausainiai:
Fraccaro Spumadoro SPA – Castelfranco Veneto – Veneto region
Kompanija Fraccaro Spumadoro veiklą pradėjo 1932, kai Elena ir Giovanni Fraccaro atidarė kepyklą Castelfranco Veneto miestelyje.
Gamindami ne tik duoną, jie greitai užsirekomendavo kaip gera konditerijos gaminių kepykla. Turėdami didelį pasisekimą, savininkai iėškart po karo atidarė antrają kepyklą, kuri specilizavosi kvapnių fokačių (plokščios duonos), panettonų ir slyvų pyragų gamyboje.
Alyvuogių aliejus, daržovės aliejuje ir pomidorų passata:
Miliarium snc – Cerignola – Puglia region
Miliarium yra maža kompanija Puglia regione, besispecializuojanti aukštos kokybės alyvuogių aliejaus (DOP, DOC) ir apie 30 skirtingų daržovių, marinuotų alyvuogių aliejuje gamyba.
Jie garsėja didžiosiomis šio regiono alyvuogėmis „Olive di Cerignola“. Kitas ypatingas produktas – pomidorų padažas, laikomas tik stikliniame indelyje, kuriame yra aliejus, pomidorų padažas ir druska.
Alyvuogių aliejus, Taggiasche alyvuogės, pesto padažas:
Frantoio Sant’Agata D’Oneglia – Imperia – Liguria region
Passion, tradition and Love of out country and its variety of products. These factors have been motivating us since 1827 at the Sant’ Agata d’Oneglia oil mill.
The history of the olive oil mill of Sant’Agata d’Oneglia and the Mela family is inextricably linked to the history of Taggiasca olive trees: a variety which was introduced to the west coast of Liguria by Benedictine monks in 1600.
In 1827, the Mela family – one of the oldest families in Sant’Agata d’Oneglia – began to dedicate themselves to the production of extra virgin olive oil, pressing the sweet, tasty Taggiasca olives with the help of the village’s small stone press, which was operated by expending great physical effort.
Nowadays, this type of press has been replaced by new technology and more modern methods of production, which are able to ensure the quality and authenticity that customers look for and appreciate.
Flour and grain products:
Mulino Caputo – Napoli – Campania region
Since 1924, they have ground wheat with generosity and passion so as offer professionals and baking connoisseurs the very best in quality flour, produced with great respect for the raw ingredients and traditions.
Authority, spontaneity and tradition. The flour art of Caputo is born from these three values. Thanks to the experience developed over three generations as Master Neapolitan Millers they guarantee extremely high standards of quality so that the expert restaurateurs and … artisans could express their creativity in the best possible way.
Cascina Alberona – Mortara (PV) – Lombardia region
The farm Ferraris Luigi located in the province of Pavia, in the heart of Lomellina (reign of rice) produces an area of 130 hectares, rice, maize and poplar trees.
The company, founded in 1988, is specialized in producing varieties of rice Carnaroli, S. Andrea and Centauro, with a production that is around 8000-10000 tons of paddy per year. The Company is invested in huge work for qualitative selection of the seed as a producer of paddy seed for several seed companies in the area. Agronomically the company employs the technique that allows agricultural crop rotation, breaking the monoculture rice used to limit the amount of pesticides and chemical fertilizers for a better environment.
Center of the company is the “Cascina Alberona” in which you provide directly to the consumer rice as a finished product. The packaging is done with modern vacuum technique. The agricultural enterprise Luigi Ferraris is part of the Chain of Venere Rice to guarantee the quality of the product.
Other partners and producers
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